
The bus dispatches commands to their respective handlers. The interface exposes the following methods, execute, resolveHandler and handlersNamespace.


A concrete implementation comes supplied with Hive. Please see src/Concrete/Commands/Bus


Expects CommandInterface $command. Its job is to resolve the handler for this command, execute it and return the result of the operation.

return $this


Expects a command $serial. Its job is to resolve the handler for the given command and return it.

$class = $this->getClassNameFromSerial($serial);
if (class_exists($class)) {
    return new $class();

throw new NoSupportedHandlerFoundException($serial);


Returns the namespace where the command handlers are located.

return 'App\Lib\Commands\Handlers';


A command is simply a container for data that will be used by its handler to perform a given task, the interface exposes one method serial

example container

public $digit;

public function __construct($digit)
    $this->digit = $digit;

// Initialized as $command = new GetDigitPlusOneCommand(7);


The serial should return a snake_case string that uniquely identifies this command.

return 'get_digit_plus_one';


The handlers job is to take a command, optionally extract its data and perform a task on it. It will then return the result back to the Bus. The interface exposes one method execute.


When using the concrete implementation of the Bus supplied with Hive, all handlers need to end with the word Handler. They are also are named after the command serials, but in UpperCamelCase notation.

For example, if a class returns the serial get_digit_plus_one, its handler would be GetDigitPlusOneHandler.


Expects a CommandInterface $command and returns the result of an operation.

$digit = $command->digit;
return (int) $digit + 1;